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#08 Siracusa

"Siracusa" presents a dramatic vista of the wild Sicilian seascape, viewed through the weathered window of an ancient fortress. The blend of untamed natural beauty and the steadfast resilience of historical architecture creates a compelling visual narrative. As part of the "Vista dalla Finestra" collection, "Siracusa" isn't just an image - it's a story of a land kissed by the sun and caressed by the sea. This NFT allows you to own a piece of Sicily's vibrant tapestry, where history and nature exist in a passionate embrace. "Siracusa" is an invitation to experience Italy's southern jewel through a window that has witnessed the passage of time. Witness the untamed charm of Sicily with "Siracusa."

#08 Siracusa

€ 89,00Price
  • Please submit your Ethereum address during checkout in the notes field. After purchase the NFT will be transferred to your digital wallet. If you don't have a wallet yet, the digital art will be sent per mail first – and can later be transferred to your wallet.

  • If you prefer purchasing your NFT with your Ethereum wallet, you can find the artwork here on Opensea.

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