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#06 Fregene

"Fregene" transports you to the shore of the Singita Mircale Beach, where the Mediterranean Sea gently kisses the sands under the golden glow of the sunset. Framed by a woven heart, this snapshot is a tender homage to Italy's breathtaking coastal beauty and the romantic allure of sunsets. Part of the "Vista dalla Finestra" collection, "Fregene" is not just a picture, but an emotion captured in time. The heart-shaped view and the warm hues of the setting sun ignite a sense of love and longing. With this NFT, you're not only owning an exquisite piece of art but also a piece of the Italian sea's enchanting romance. Allow "Fregene" to bring a touch of Italian summer to your collection.

#06 Fregene

€ 89,00Price
  • Please submit your Ethereum address during checkout in the notes field. After purchase the NFT will be transferred to your digital wallet. If you don't have a wallet yet, the digital art will be sent per mail first – and can later be transferred to your wallet.

  • If you prefer purchasing your NFT with your Ethereum wallet, you can find the artwork here on Opensea.

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